Educational Ways to Inspire the Next Generation

Educational Ways to Inspire the Next Generation

There is a lot of talk in homes, on the news, and in schools about inspiring today’s youth and the future generation of leaders. These conversations start within teens and their parents with the best intentions but usually end up discussing the problems that surround today’s youth, things like cell phone abuse, the social media brain drain, gaming, and substance abuse. That mindset has created a paradigm that entraps the youth and limits them from going beyond the societal expectations set for them. So, if I were to give you three ways to inspire the next generation of leaders, would you believe me? The interesting thing is, what some adults think is impossible, could be started with three simple steps.

The first place to start: The Home.

The self-image of a teenager is primarily defined by what they see and experience in their home. Qualities like responsibility, dedication, commitment, and …

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