Open and Distance Studying Policy Framework – Access, Good quality and Cost of Education

Open and Distance Studying Policy Framework - Access, Good quality and Cost of Education

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“Open and Distance Understanding has the exceptional capability of meeting the challenges of your 3 vectors of dilemma in education delivery, – Access, Good quality and Expense.” These had been the words of Sir, John Daniel the President of Commonwealth of Studying. The correct answer for the challenges that these 3, pose to provision of education for national development, goes a long way in determining the general development of a nation.

Like a noted maxim mentioned, “to create a nation, develop the people”. Most nation goes now by supplying totally free or heavily subsidized, accessible and qualitative Education to her citizens specially to young children and youths at the elementary and intermediate stage respectively. The open and distance understanding mode as a tactic for escalating access and for tremendously enhancing human capital generation.

Once more the policy framework must be in a position to adequately gives the workings …

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The Education Finder Facilitates Online Studies

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Many young people worldwide can find work in firms doing outsourced work for companies in America and elsewhere these days, even if they have not finished their studies yet. Those skilled somehow in areas involving the use and repair of computers are easily absorbed by IT companies who are in need now of a big number of people to do the many jobs that they have contracted with business firms now – also shifting to online business and calling for the use of computer-literate people. Thus, youngsters who dropped out of school but learned somehow how to do work on the computer land jobs; although they still have not finished their studies yet.

But the Internet now has also caused many learning institutions to design online courses that they conduct through the Web, a departure from the classroom instructions they have in their campuses. Many schools have contracted …

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