4 Ways to Encourage Independent Thinking in Children

4 Ways to Encourage Independent Thinking in Children

Independent thinking skills are a great tool to help young children with transitionary times such as starting school. It instills confidence and reduces anxiety by teaching them that they are capable of making decisions based on their own. You can help them develop these skills with the following.

Explain Yourself

When they ask you why they can’t have ice cream before bed, don’t brush them off. Tell them exactly why you have refused the request. For example, “ice cream is a treat that has to be eaten in moderation and too much isn’t good for you” or “eating right before bed can make it harder to fall asleep.” 

Educate Through Play

Playtime can encourage independence, but it shouldn’t always be something that kids do off on their own to give the adults a break. By making time to engage with children through puzzles and interactive board games you aren’t just …

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