Are YOU Stifling Your Own Career? No 3 - The Lure of Qualifications

Are YOU Stifling Your Own Career? No 3 – The Lure of Qualifications

From the day of your birth you have been nurtured, cared for and steered by others in the direction that will hopefully meet the challenge of a preparation for life and self-responsibility. Your parents and the education system have been the main parties in this endeavour. And a large part of their goal must have been to prepare you for the work-place. So… what to do?


If we go back 50 years when less than 5% of kids went to University, the impact of further education was far greater than today. A degree was regarded as a passport to a career and meant, almost without exception, that you would never be unemployed. You would be placed on a pedestal by employers, given the opportunities in the work-place to which others were not entitled and …

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Advice for Adjusting to University Life and How to Be Successful in Further Education

Advice for Adjusting to University Life and How to Be Successful in Further Education

So it has come to one of the most important times in your life, choosing weather you should go to university/college. Well it is a nerve racking time for anyone, you have to weigh up so many different costs and benefits of enrolling at a university/college. If you do choose to go to university/college the key to doing well is to preparing! Here are a few tips for anyone looking to go to university and to help you with the transition from high school to university.

Studying comes first.

Sure up till now you may have managed to get through school with a decent grade and have put in hardly any work, well that stops now. Most drop-outs say that the main reason for leaving college was the change in the workload. At university you are expected to learn outside the classroom, and study of your own accord. Many other …

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