Leaders In the Community, Peer Tutors in Adapted Physical Education
Recently I have been doing my Field Experience in Health and Physical Education with a local middle school. I teach 2 Health and 2 PE lessons each Monday and I observe another PE class. The Phys. ed. class I have been observing is a class that features special needs students. After my second observation, I had to inquire about my cooperating teacher if your students in this class were selected as “peer leaders” or in the event, the students had shown interest in maintaining the category while using special needs students. I was shocked to find out that the scholars were just selected randomly plus it simply so happened this group was extremely helpful and knowledgeable of the requirements of their classmates.
Helpers or Peer Tutors
I believe the teachers need to be utilizing this advantage greater than what I have seen. By having helpers or peer tutors you can …
Leaders In the Community, Peer Tutors in Adapted Physical Education Read More