Tips for Successfully Launching Your IT Career

Tips for Successfully Launching Your IT Career

Starting out in the IT field might feel a little overwhelming at first. But with a bit of strategic preparation and the right mindset, you should be able to kick-start a rewarding career in this fast-paced field.

Build Your Technical Foundation

While you don’t necessarily need a 4-year college degree, developing a solid grasp of the fundamentals is really important. The experts over at ProTrain explain that earning the CompTIA A+ certification helps to demonstrate your skills with computer systems, software, networking, security, and operational procedures. This is knowledge most employers want new IT hires to have at the very least.

Gain Professional Experience

While building your technical knowledge base, try to actively pursue opportunities to get professional IT experience under your belt. Think about an internship, entry-level job, apprenticeship, freelance gig, or even volunteering your tech skills. Any real-world exposure allows you to apply your learning, become familiar with workplace tools and procedures, and start developing skills beyond just your technical abilities.

Professional experience, even in a temporary or informal capacity, helps to make you a much stronger candidate when applying for full-time IT roles. It demonstrates your dedication to your work, expertise in your field, and proficiency in real-life situations. Hands-on experience also provides exposure to different organizational cultures and environments, allowing you to better understand the dynamics and expectations of IT teams.

Become a Continuous Learner

One of the most vital attributes in IT is a willingness to keep upgrading your skills and expertise. Technology evolves incredibly quickly, so staying current ensures you remain employable in the long term.

Get into the habit of reading tech blogs, taking online courses, participating in meetups, and pursuing certifications. Approach each as an opportunity to expand your adaptability. Cross-training in other complementary fields helps to further increase your value.


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What is EMDR Therapy?

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a highly effective and innovative approach to treating various mental health conditions, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related disorders. Developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, EMDR has gained widespread recognition and acceptance within the field of psychotherapy.

EMDR therapy is based on the idea that traumatic experiences can become “stuck” in the brain, leading to distressing symptoms and emotional pain. During EMDR sessions, a trained therapist guides the client through a structured eight-phase process aimed at processing and resolving these distressing memories.

The core technique of EMDR involves bilateral stimulation, typically achieved through the use of side-to-side eye movements, although other methods such as tapping or auditory cues may also be employed. This bilateral stimulation is believed to mimic the brain’s natural processing mechanisms, allowing the traumatic memories to be reprocessed in a way that reduces their emotional charge and integrates them into the client’s broader life experience.

EMDR therapy has demonstrated its effectiveness in numerous clinical studies and has been endorsed by organisations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as a recommended treatment for trauma-related disorders. It has also been adapted and used successfully to treat conditions beyond PTSD, including anxiety disorders, depression, and even addiction.

One of the key strengths of EMDR therapy is its relatively brief treatment duration compared to some other therapeutic approaches. Clients often experience significant improvements in their symptoms within a relatively short period, making it an attractive option for those seeking rapid relief from distressing symptoms.

EMDR therapy is a powerful and evidence-based approach to treating trauma and related mental health conditions. Its unique and innovative techniques, such as bilateral stimulation, have helped countless individuals recover from traumatic experiences and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. …

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How Interactive Screens Are Revolutionizing the Classroom Experience

How Interactive Screens Are Revolutionizing the Classroom Experience

In recent years, interactive screens have increasingly revolutionized the classroom experience. By providing an interactive learning environment, these screens allow teachers and students alike to engage better with educational content and collaborate more closely than ever before. Read on for more information about how this technology is transforming classrooms worldwide!

1.   Support Active Learning

Interactive screens provide an interactive environment for learning, allowing students to engage with educational content rather than passively receive it actively. By providing tools such as virtual whiteboards, touch-screen capabilities, and online collaboration tools, teachers can create dynamic learning experiences that keep students engaged.

Interactive screens can also reduce the time teachers need to spend on lecturing and allow them more time for student-led activities. This helps foster a more collaborative learning environment where students are encouraged to think critically, ask questions and develop their problem-solving skills.

2.   Enhance Creativity

Students of all ages are often more creative when working with their peers. Interactive screens allow students to brainstorm and collaborate on projects in real-time, helping them develop collaboration skills and boosting creativity.

You can find interactive screens with various creative tools, from image and video editing software to animation programs. GoEducation, for example, offers interactive screens with a library of interactive activities for students. You can also find interactive screens with software enabling students to design educational games and activities.

3.   Encourage Student Participation

Interactive screens can also encourage student participation in the classroom. By providing an engaging and visual way to present information and ideas, these screens can capture and keep students’ attention while they explore the material. They also make it easier for students to share their ideas and opinions with the class.

In addition, interactive screens can also help teachers understand how engaged their students are in the material. Teachers can …

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What Job Sectors are Experiencing Shortages?

What Job Sectors are Experiencing Shortages?

A labor shortage occurs when there are insufficient available workers in the labor market to meet the demand for employees. In the US alone, there are nearly 11 million job openings currently available throughout the country. Still, only 6.5 million workers are expected to be unemployed in 2022. This high number of job openings affects employers worldwide, not just in the US. Employers in Europe, for example, were struggling to fill more than 1.2 million open job roles as of early 2022, while employers in Australia were attempting to fill nearly 400,000 vacant positions. In addition, Singapore had 163 job openings for every 100 candidates in 2021.

According to a recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) report, the most difficult problem in filling open positions is “a low number of applicants”. According to SHRM, employers are having a more difficult time than ever before hiring qualified candidates. According to the study, 68% of HR professionals polled have had difficulty recruiting candidates for full-time positions. These findings are supported by data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). According to the BLS, as the unemployment rate has decreased, job openings have increased, resulting in massive talent shortages for businesses in various industries.

The last two years’ events have impacted businesses in nearly every industry, and many still feel the effects today. However, COVID-19 is only one of several global factors that have resulted in severe labor shortages in many sectors, along with changes in economic activity and an aging population. Economists investigated the global similarities and differences in labor markets in order to identify the cyclical and more fundamental causes of these shortages. The US noted that the economy has fully recovered all of the lost economic output caused by the pandemic. However, employment remains 5 million below …

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Benefits of Online Learning at The Undergraduate Level

Benefits of Online Learning at The Undergraduate Level

Today, more students are comfortable with learning online. With more advanced tools and learning management systems allowing for educators to impart information more effectively to students, not only has a cottage industry of institutions been created, but traditional college and university programs have also integrated online education into their curriculums. The online education market is projected to grow to $72.41bn between 2020 and 2024.

Many attribute the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns to the increase in the numbers of students getting their degrees through online learning. However, while the impacts of COVID-19 played a role in students opting for online courses, many students chose to complete courses online before the onset of the pandemic. In 2018, 47% of students enrolled in online degree programs simply because personal/professional obligations made it difficult for them to attend the traditional college/university program. 

The rise in the number of college students attending online programs is no surprise, considering how convenient online education has become. Class offerings are either asynchronous, which allows the student to access course material at their convenience, or synchronous, which mandates that students log onto the student portal at certain times. In either case, online education has alleviated the pressures for non-traditional college students – for example, professionals returning to school, single parents, and adults changing careers who want to pursue a degree but might not have the time to do so.

Online education has also made going to school convenient for traditional undergraduate students pursuing their degrees. However, beyond the convenience of attending college when time permits, undergraduate online education provides students with several advantages. Below are a few advantages of enrolling in an online undergraduate course of study. 

Benefits of enrolling in an online undergraduate degree program


Online undergraduate degrees work out to be less expensive than attending classes …

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